Elite Dangerous Cutter Trade Build
Trading is a lucrative profession in Elite Dangerous, merely y'all'll need the right ship for the job. Every send in the game is unique in its capabilities — there are defended trading ships and general ships that are versatile enough to get the task done.
This guide covers the best trading ships in Elite Dangerous. Nosotros'll start with the beginner ships like the Hauler and Adder before moving onto the tardily-game powerhouses like the Type-9 Heavy. Two things are important when it comes to trading ships: cargo capacity and shields. If yous've got those downwards, you're good to go.
Updated September 20, 2021, by Harry Alston: We're updating this list to include some information about the Majestic Cutter, an expensive but very viable transport that tin can be fitted out with everything required to get a powerful trading vessel.
The Hauler
The Hauler is the very starting time ship that is defended to trading. It's inexpensive and beefy merely comes with enough cargo capacity to be suitable for the very commencement trading missions in the starter Federation District.
In one case you're out and about in the wider universe, the viability of the Hauler rapidly drops off. The cargo capacity is only really suited to Rare Article trades, which are limited in scope due to the relatively short bound range of the Hauler. The Hauler is essentially a brusque-term investment for dedicated traders as they build their way towards more than expensive and sophisticated ships.
General specs of the Hauler:
- Max cargo capacity of 26t, this is great for a ship of its price range, but won't get you much further than very simple trading missions.
- A max spring range of 37ly is more than plenty for beginner trading missions and is likewise why new pilots sometimes pick up the Hauler as a basic exploration ship. Y'all can check out our listing of best exploration ships hither. The transport is extremely light, yet, and only comes with a small fuel scoop and fuel tank, which means whatever extra weight slows it considerably.
- The Hauler merely has ane small hardpoint, barely enough for a functioning weapon. Information technology's probably the least feasible combat send in the entire game. You volition want to upgrade ships to something with a bit more than combat functionality if you want to survive the inevitable pirate encounters.
The Adder
Rather than buy the Hauler, many players opt instead for the Adder. Vastly more than versatile than the Hauler, the Adder costs around lxxx,000 credits (30,000 more than the Hauler) and is a viable ship for combat, trading, and mining. It has a larger cargo capacity and more hardpoints for mining equipment or weapons.
The Adder is seen as an fantabulous get-go-option send upgrade for new pilots. A jump straight from the Sidewinder to Adder is not unheard of, especially if you've spent fourth dimension grinding for credits in the Federation District. If you desire to buy a ship that is capable of a variety of roles rather than just trading, the Adder is your best bet. Here's a closer expect at the specs.
General specs of the Hauler:
- Max cargo capacity of 30t, just a bit larger than the Hauler.
- Max jump range of 32ly, shorter than the Hauler, merely not by much.
- Two small hardpoints and a medium hardpoint, which allows y'all to adhere a much more than powerful weapon. The Adder also has decent shields and volition soak upwards more hits than the Adder.
- In terms of maneuverability, the Adder is much more capable of getting out of difficult situations, as well as dodging incoming enemy interdictions.
Cobra Mark 3
The Cobra Mark iii is a very suitable upgrade from the Adder. Coming in at around 300,000 credits, the Cobra is an extremely versatile send. Information technology has the adequacy to be a decent trader with its 60t cargo capacity, handles itself well in gainsay situations cheers to its shields and hardpoints, and works equally a reliable mining ship. If you lot want to dabble in lots of dissimilar professions, the Cobra Marker 3 is the ship for you.
In terms of pure trading, the Cobra has the best cargo capacity of any ship in its price range and has a cargo chapters double that of both the Adder and Hauler. It's as well much cheaper than the Type-6 Transporter, the adjacent logical step on the trading ship ladder.
General specs for the Cobra Mark 3:
- Max cargo chapters of 60t, suitable for short-range bulk goods trading and for larger chapters rare commodity trading.
- A leap range of 29ly when maxed out.
- Two pocket-size hardpoints and two medium hardpoints, which allow yous to adhere two pulse lasers to the medium points. The Cobra has the power capability to maintain these weapons.
- The Cobra also gets picked upwards as both a Pirate and Compensation Hunting ship regularly, which is enough to tell you that it's more than capable of defending itself while on trading missions.
Type-6 Transporter
The Type-6 Transporter is the experienced trader'south go-to ship, and information technology'due south an platonic starting send for those who are looking to showtime maximizing their trading profits. Ane of the standout features of the Type-half-dozen is its power to dock at Outposts as information technology tin fit into a medium landing pad — something that the more expensive freighter-class ships (like the Blazon-7 and across) cannot exercise. This leaves many trading options open to the actor.
The Type-vi comes in at effectually one 1000000 credits, so it's better suited to players who have built up a decent bankroll. Further engineering upgrades will be required, and then it's a skilful idea to just upgrade to the Blazon-6 later on y'all've got used to flying merchandise trips with the Cobra.
General specs of the Type-6 Transporter:
- Cargo capacity of 114t when maxed out, suitable for long-range majority appurtenances trading.
- Jump range of 30ly. You should upgrade the Frame Shift Bulldoze every bit a priority to extend the potential trading routes for the Type-half dozen.
- The simply downfall of the Type-6 is its lack of hardpoints suitable for weapons, featuring only two minor grade one hardpoints. This makes it the second-worst combat transport later on the Hauler. Your all-time defense force against Pirates is to jump abroad, if possible. This is why some players opt for the Keelback as a more offensive trading vessel.
Type-9 Heavy
The Blazon-9 Heavy is the largest dedicated trading ship in Elite Dangerous. Information technology'southward an absolute monster, with a cargo capacity of 300t as default and the potential to exist upgraded to 700t. That puts it just behind the Imperial Cutter for the largest cargo capacity in the game, though information technology's a minimal deviation. Due to its size, the tanky Type-9 can exist pestered by much smaller attacking ships, equally its chunky move and slow turning speed put it at a disadvantage. Install a Fighter Hanger, however, and you should be fine.
This transport is all-time suited to all unlike kinds of trading, although we'd recommend a smaller ship for rare appurtenances trading. Its large fuel tank ways it can travel very long distances without the demand to refuel, ideal for completing entire trading loops.
General specs of the Blazon-9 Heavy:
- Max cargo capacity of 700t, the second largest in the game.
- Max spring range of 22ly (this is a very large ship, remember.)
- Ii minor hardpoints and 3 medium hardpoints hateful the Type-9 can defend itself if the situation gets out of hand, although against much smaller and active ships you will still have a problem.
The Purple Cutter

The Regal Cutter comes in at over 200 1000000 credits to purchase only has the cargo space for a max of 794 tons. That's a lot of cargo. In fact, that'southward the largest cargo concord of any send in the game. Only just, mind. The Type-9 has a max of 790. Nevertheless, it's also the most expensive -- this transport volition gear up you dorsum a lot more than the Blazon-ix Heavy, for case. The Cutter is huge, has potent shields, and can easily defend itself against pirate attacks while out on long trading expeditions.
However, you need to attain at to the lowest degree the rank of Duke in the Imperial Navy, and it's going to cost you a lot to repair the ship if you practise find yourself struggling on a shield-less trading run. Despite this, it is favored by some high-level traders.
General specs of the Imperial Cutter:
- Max cargo capacity of 794t - the largest in the game.
- Fantabulous shields, great acme speed of 232 m/s with upgrades, and plenty of hardpoints for weapons.
- 8 Utility Mounts, iv Medium Hardpoints, 2 Big Hardpoints, and 1 Huge Hardpoint.
- Players tend to compare the Cutter with the 2 of the larger endgame ships: the Corvette and Anaconda. In that location are pros and cons for all three ships, although the Cutter is preferred by traders considering of that huge cargo
Source: https://www.thegamer.com/elite-dangerous-best-trading-ships/
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